Free Grace Press
A Change of Heart
A Change of Heart: Understanding Regeneration and Why It Matters
5.5 x 8.5"
Listen to Allen S. Nelson IV discuss A Change of Heart HERE.
Read articles on the Founders Ministry website from Pastor Allen HERE.
Listen to a recent podcast of Pastor Allen discussing regeneration HERE.
By All 3 of Allen Nelson's Books and Save:
"Not long ago, I was asked to write on the topic, "If Christianity is so good, why are Christians so bad?"—a question made vastly more difficult by the problem of "false professors" in the pews. I'm grateful that Allen Nelson has accessibly, persuasively, and winsomely laid out the case for restricting the title, "Christian," to the regenerate. As A Change of Heart negotiates the theological currents and rapids associated with monergism, Ordo salutes, sacraments, etc. it's chock-full of scripture citations, helpful analogies (employing The Princess Bride, spinach, buzzards, and a hostage situation), and rich quotes (such as Martyn Lloyd-Jones's "It is true of a man not only that he is in the dark, but that the darkness is also in him") . . . with even a touch of humor (referring to Jesus John 3 visit to "Nick at Night"). And Nelson's use of other voices is most impressive, so much so that I started grouping them alphabetically to see if every letter was covered. Pretty close, to include this sampling: Augustine and Ascol; Beeke, Berkhof, Bavinck, Bunyan, and Boettner; Calvin, Carson, and Cyprian; Dagg, Edwards, Flavel, Grudem, Hodge, Judson, Keach, Luther, MacArthur, Nettles, Owen, Packer, Reisinger, Sproul, Tertullian, Vaughan, and, for W, Wesley, Whitefield, Watson, and Washer.
When I was a trustee at Southern [Baptist Theological Seminary] back in the 1980's, a candidate for tenure was working at cross-purposes with Abstract of Principles' Articles VI on "The Fall of Man," which states that Adam's "posterity inherit a nature corrupt and wholly opposed to God and His law." I wish that she'd had this book on hand to help clear up her thinking."
—Mark Coppenger
When Jesus told Nicodemus, “You must be born again,” He revealed that the only way anyone could enter or even see the kingdom of God is as a result of a work of God’s Spirit in the heart of a person that is so powerful, so life altering, that it is analogous to physical birth. Just as there is no physical life without physical birth, so there is no spiritual life without spiritual birth. Allen Nelson understands this and helps his readers understand both the nature and importance of this supernatural work of God that takes place inside a person. In the process, Nelson pastorally guides readers over biblical, historical, and theological terrain to help clear up confusion and provide helpful instruction on this vitally important subject. The result is a wonderfully accessible book on a vitally important topic.
—Tom Ascol
Regeneration is one of the most despised doctrines found within the church. Anyone frequenting 'theological' social media will at some point encounter articles, blog posts, and personal comments that spew vile curses at the truth of God sovereignly igniting the dead heart of a sinner and imparting saving faith that transforms the treasonous God-hater into a love of Christ. Men gnash their teeth at regeneration because it strips them of any participation in their salvation, placing that divine work fully into the hands of God alone. In his book, A Change of Heart, Pastor Allen Nelson leads a lay-friendly journey into the doctrine of regeneration. He provides key exegetical study, demonstrates the practical outworking of regeneration in the Christian's daily walk with Christ, and shows how this vital doctrine shaped the thinking of believers throughout church history. I hope his helpful work finds a wide reading among the faithful who desire to think rightly upon this most glorious doctrine.
—Fred Butler
If you were to view the empty churches, the vapid worship, and the neutered preaching of the modern American church as the smoldering wreckage of a plane crash, no doubt you would want to find in the rubble the black box in order to find out what went wrong. Looking back in the black box of our church history, you will find one of the central causes of this crash was the abandonment of the doctrine taught in this book. The wings were ripped off. What causes Christianity to soar was removed, and our churches joined the flotsam and jetsam of every other worldview. We need the truth that is found in this book. Allen Nelson elucidates the doctrine of regeneration in these pages with precision and passion. Read this book, believe the truths that are found in it, and, for the love of God and His church, preach the beauties, wonders, and implications of the new birth!
—Wes Brown
Allen Nelson has done it again. Through careful exposition, sound logic, along with the support of great theologians past and present, he has put a spotlight on the doctrine of regeneration. This book will help you understand why so many people claim to be Christians but so very few actually look like Christians. Allen explains how the doctrine of regeneration has been neglected, why this teaching needs to be recovered, and most importantly, how to tell whether you have experienced “a change of heart.”
—Harold Smith
Regeneration is a multi-faceted precious stone that continues to deliver greater and more spectacular beauty the more it is mined. Unequivocally, there exists no sweeter blessing than for the preacher to receive a call or a visit from a person who has attended his services for some time and hear him say, “Pastor, I want to be baptized,” and for him to know clearly his way of salvation was given to him by the change wrought of the Holy Spirit in regeneration. Conversely, there is no greater burden the pastor bears than that of the unregenerate church “member.”
In A Change of Heart: Understanding Regeneration and Why It Matters, Allen has given the church another valuable tool in an effort to assure regenerate church membership. His ability to mine the precious truths from the doctrine of regeneration and present them in a clear and concise manner will be a suitable companion for the churchman who consciously wants to bring glory to God in attending to the church. If you’re that churchman, eat this book.
—Tim Rehmer
Regeneration is a doctrine that has, in many regards, become a subject of high theology dealt with by professional theologians in journals and seminaries. This is a tragedy because it is a doctrine that is most pertinent in the life of every individual that has lived, lives, or will ever live. It is the doctrine of life eternal. We have seen in our society the effects of placing this doctrine in the “ivory tower.” But in A Change of Heart, Pastor Allen brings this doctrine back to its rightful place, the local church. From its very dedication: “To the saints of Second Baptist Church of Perryville” (where Allen pastors), the intent of this book is for the church. Pastor Allen walks through the doctrine giving great understanding to the sovereignty of God in it, to man’s responsibility, and shows the effects on the life of the believer. It is a great theological treatise from the Scriptures that is flooded with church history and will be both refreshing and insightful to everyone who picks it up. I pray this work finds its way into the hands and eyes of many, and that this will not be the last we hear from this faithful brother.
—Jonathan Murdock
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