FGP is not able to do translation work or overseas printing. FGP authors are free to coordinate their own overseas translations.
We are not adding any new positions at this time.
Reprints & Out of Stock
In order to produce reprints, we have to accumulate enough revenue before reprinting, as reprints typically do not bring in enough initial sales to pay for the cost to produce the book. We will update our product page status from "out of stock" or "coming soon" to "presale" when a reprint becomes available. Additionally, some reprints may be phased out as physical books and turned into eBooks and Audiobooks.
Manuscripts or Book Proposals
FGP is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts or book proposals at this time.
Bulk Discounts & Wholesale
We do give quantity discounts on select titles. Please view the "Quantity Discounts" tab. Wholesale customers and bookstores can email us directly for wholesale terms and bulk discounts for all of our titles: support@freegracepress.com. We are unable to do “consignments sales” as they are not financially feasible.
Donations, Giveaways, & Review Copies
FGP operates on minimal annual revenue and staffing. We are unable to fulfill requests for donations, free books, or giveaways. Requests for review copies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Shipping & International Shipping
We have no ability to discount shipping prices or control shipping rates with carriers. Our shipping rates do now include a small "handling" fee to cover the cost of shipping materials. Our shipping labels include insurance. Due to import fees, increasing regulations and costs, we are no longer able to provide international shipping. Wholesale customers or book stores outside of the U.S. typically utilize an intermediary shipper within the U.S. to ship internationally.
Lost Packages, Not Delivered
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for packages to be “mis-delivered” via media mail. Usually, the packages show up within a day or two and are a result of a driver missing a scan or similar issue. This “not delivered” is a shipping carrier issue. Before contacting us, please reach out to the shipping carrier you selected for resolution. Our shipping labels include insurance to assist with resolution.