Lance Quinn
God the Preacher and Apologist
228 pages
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God the Preacher and Apologist: The Essential Relationship of Presuppositional Apologetics and Expository Preaching
Lance Quinn
Listen to a heartfelt sermon on suffering by Lance Quinn: "Life is a Vapor"
Listen to an interview with Lance Quinn on his book on the Equipping You In Grace Podcast
Daniel L. Arter’s Review on "Books at a Glance" of God the Preacher and the Apologist
Throughout the centuries of the Christian church, there have been many different approaches and applied methods in the field of apologetics. Yet only one approach, presuppositionalism, is truly compatible with expository preaching, each sphere relying principally on God the Preacher and Apologist. The twin concepts of biblical exposition in the pulpit, and presuppositionalism in the marketplace, must start and end with (and maintain throughout) a consistent and abiding reliance on the sufficiency and superiority of Holy Scripture. Apologetic approaches other than the presuppositionalist approach often start with arguments other than Scripture for their defense of the faith, thus blunting the impact God’s Word can powerfully and effectively have in the apologetic encounter. This is no less true for the expository preaching method too, given powerfully to those who profess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and collectively gather to hear God’s Word. To bring maximum impact to both believers and unbelievers alike, expository preaching and presuppositional apologetics should be closely tethered, as each method starts, and consistently provides throughout, the God-intended response for all mankind.
Apologetics and preaching share more in common than you might think. Both, at their most basic level, represent the believer’s responsibility to speak on behalf of God amid a fallen world. That is why it makes so much sense for the content of our preaching and apologetics to come directly from the Bible. This is exactly the case the Lance Quinn convincingly makes in God the Preacher and Apologist. This exceptional resource demonstrates that the church must speak on behalf of God in this world in the same way that God himself has spoken in this world—that is, through Scripture. To put it another way, Quinn makes it clear that expository preaching and presuppositional apologetics are the good and necessary ministry consequences of a right understanding of Scripture. For those who are familiar with the literature on the subject, you will find Quinn’s analysis to be insightfully fresh as he appeals to the revelation and mission of God to make his case for expository preaching and presuppositional apologetics. Additionally, those familiar with their Bibles will find Quinn’s writing to be unmistakably biblical as he shepherds people to do God’s business God’s way. Every believer who listens to preaching or speaks with unbelievers needs to read this book—which is to say, everyone needs to get a copy today!
– Dr. Paul Shirley
Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church Delaware
The terms expository preaching and bible exposition have been so broadly construed in the church today that they have become mere clichés. Preachers are hailed as “expositors” who only hover over texts or wander quickly from a passage to offer their opinions. Churches advertise an expository ministry, but no one seems able to define it in simple terms. And scores of seminary graduates are convinced that expository preaching is just one option among several approaches to the pulpit. We desperately need bedrock clarity on this issue. With precision and pastoral heart, Lance Quinn takes us below the clichés and confusion to the cornerstone truth on which all preaching must be built: God is the preacher of His own Word. Every faithful expositor will find his heart re-energized as Quinn shows the essential link between expositional preaching and a robust presuppositional defense of the truth. And this book is not only a defense of exposition but an example of how it is done. Quinn has brilliantly woven sermon material into the book to anchor us to its thesis. This will be every diligent expositor’s “go-to” volume for helping the church get back to real preaching.
– Dr. Jerry Wragg,
Pastor-Teacher, Grace Immanuel Bible Church,
Jupiter, Florida
Many give lip service to the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. Confident statements may even be made about the Bible’s importance. Yet when it comes to consistently applying the reality of the Word’s sufficiency and authority to all areas of faith and life, some glaringly omit the disciplines of preaching and apologetics. This is shocking when you realize that both these endeavors involve proclamation of the truth. Pastor Lance Quinn takes this reality and makes the clear case that affirmation of the sufficiency of Scripture not only connects with preaching and apologetics but necessitates that preaching be expositional and that apologetics be presuppositional. God himself, the author concludes, is the model of this very fact in how he communicates. The fruit of Quinn’s many years of preaching, pastoral ministry, and academic teaching, this book is not only an example of scholarly argumentation; it is also a helpful collection of supporting quotes from many other respected writers, preachers, and theologians. An added benefit is the appendices that summarize the presuppositional approach to apologetics and give valuable examples of how to interact with an unbeliever from a presuppositional perspective. I recommend that pastors and teachers regularly reread and ponder what the author here presents. I also heartily recommend this as a resource in training men in the local church on how to present God’s Word accurately.
– Carey Hardy,
Pastor-Teacher, Twin-City Bible Church,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
In the book of Romans, Paul rightly asks, “How can they hear without a preacher?” In this insightful and encouraging resource, Lance Quinn skillfully guides us in examining another vantage point in answer to Paul’s question. Quinn points us to consider that it is the God of heaven who serves as the first preacher of his Word. In this book we are taken on an in-depth journey that biblically demonstrates that not only has God preached throughout the pages of special revelation but also served as the first apologist for his Word. Through Quinn’s careful work, you will be shown through both the Old and New Testaments the wonder of God’s revealing himself as the preeminent Preacher, first through the prophets via his Holy Spirit, and then through the living Word himself, Jesus Christ. By necessity, Quinn then adroitly demonstrates that God also serves as the first proponent for his Word. Chapter 4 of this book is an outstanding treatment of presuppositional apologetics, bringing necessary clarity to this important topic in a day when objective truth is routinely questioned. In reading this book you will find yourself being encouraged as you see the continuity of the message that our God preaches throughout his Word. You will be reminded of the central focus that the Word of God must have in any true faithful preaching ministry, and for that matter, any true biblical counseling ministry. As Quinn states, “God is actively (by His Word) and energetically (through His Spirit) communicating with those to whom He wills.”
Quinn has given the church a tremendous resource that will serve to encourage young men entering the ministry and refresh those men who may be seasoned pastors. Here is a resource that provides much rich exposition of pertinent biblical texts, practical information, and excellent source quotes. After reading this book, pastors will find themselves humbled and encouraged in their calling to preach the Word of God. In addition, there is little doubt that those same pastors will come away with a renewed sense that by God’s grace, they have been given the awesome privilege and responsibility to model themselves after the first perfect preacher and apologist, the God of heaven Himself.
– Glenn Dunn
Pastor-Teacher, Cornerstone Bible Fellowship
Author Bio

Dr. Lance Quinn serves on the pastoral team at Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, Florida, as the Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of the Expositors Seminary. He has been in continuous vocational ministry for over 35 years, including 25 years as senior pastor of two churches in both Arkansas and California. He is also a board member and fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Additionally, he has written or contributed to several books, including The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented. He and his late wife, Beth, have eight adult children and a growing number of grandchildren.