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Wesley C. Cooper

The Fruit of Godly Suffering: 30 Truths Every Christian Ought to Lay Hold of When Trials Come (Coming Soon!)

5 (3 Reviews)
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  • Large Easy-to-Read Font
  • Natural Paper

5.5" x 8.5"
176 pages

Watch this Sermon from Wesley Cooper entitled "I Need Thee Every Hour"

Watch this Sermon from Wesley Cooper entitled "Beholding Christ's Beauty"




Suffering hurts! Heartbreak, loss, and disappointment accompany us on every side. Should we just resign ourselves to life’s inexplicable pain and agony? Borne out of personal experience, The Fruit of Godly Suffering brings 30 gentle yet powerful reminders of God’s faithfulness and purpose in the midst of our suffering—the forming of Christlike fruit in us—offering us abundant hope, as we navigate through life’s painful difficulties. Having read this “adversity survival guide,” we’ll come out knowing more intimately the kind and faithful One who heals our broken hearts.


Suffering is no fun! No one enjoys physical and emotional pain. We rightly run from distress and desire to live a life of pleasure. Yet, because of sin, a life of pleasure often leads to eternal suffering, and because of God, temporary suffering often leads to a life of everlasting pleasure.

Though our suffering is painful, God has redeemed it for our good. This is why I am thankful for this encouraging book by Wesley Cooper. He highlights thirty simple truths for us to remember as we suffer. Each of these truths will be a balm to our hurting souls. You will find hope and strength in these pages. This book was written by someone who has suffered deeply and has a deep knowledge of God. The beauty contained in these pages has been borne out of much pain. I believe the encouragement God has given Wesley will encourage you. I highly recommend this book.

— Jeffrey D. Johnson, Pastor of Grace Bible Church in Conway, AR 

Christ left for us an example, when He suffered for us, that we should follow His steps. This book is a valuable guide for the suffering pilgrim. It is applied theology forged in the fires of smoldering affliction. In these pages, Cooper proves from Scripture that, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, afflictions are mercies. The Sovereign Ruler of all creation directs even our troubles and trials for our good. Cooper humbly and earnestly shows it is in faithfulness that God afflicts His children. God’s purpose in sending afflictions to us is that we might be conformed to the image of Christ. And, anything that causes us to cling to Christ with more vigor may be justly called a blessing. May this book strengthen and comfort many limping pilgrims along the narrow way.

— Ryan Bush, Latin America Coordinator, HeartCry Missionary Society

Life’s trials often leave us questioning, searching for meaning in our suffering. In The Fruit of Godly Suffering, Wesley Cooper offers thirty biblical truths to help navigate hardship with faith and purpose. With wisdom drawn from Scripture and personal insight, Cooper reminds us that suffering is not without meaning—it refines us, draws us closer to Christ, and prepares us for eternal glory. Whether you’re facing personal struggles, loss, or spiritual battles, this book will encourage you to embrace God’s plan, trust in His sovereignty, and find strength in His promises. A must-read for anyone seeking biblical encouragement in the midst of trials!

— Jim W. Moss, Evangelist, Love Worth Sharing Inc.

I am so grateful to the Lord for leading my brother Wesley to write this book! This precious volume will be a treasured part of my personal library, and will be read and reread again and again. It is deeply theological yet intensely practical—which means that it is thoroughly biblical, because that is always the way Scripture behaves. May my Father help me to always bear in mind the truths which have been so well said by this dear man of God.

— Malcolm Ellis, Evangelist, Malcolm Ellis Ministries

The Fruit of Godly Suffering is the essential handbook on suffering for every Christian. While other excellent works may deepen our theology of suffering, few match the pastoral precision of Wesley Cooper in addressing the heart of the matter in a way that mercifully gets to the point. These concise chapters cut straight to the purpose of suffering without sacrificing theological depth or richness, guiding believers—whatever their level of trial—to view every struggle through the lens of God’s Word. Above all, this book will leave you in greater awe of our sovereign and gracious God. Do everything you can to place this treasure in the hands of every Christian you know!

— Allen S. Nelson IV, Pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Perryville, AR

Author Bio 

Wesley C. Cooper is the head baker at the family-owned Country Village Oven Bakery in Star City, Arkansas. He also serves as a lay preacher, and he loves tending to and caring for his four children.

3 Reviews
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Every trial the Christian faces comes with an army of lies ready to distort their thinking. The world offers us the narcissistic refuge of self-love and self-help. Our hearts tend to sink into the bottomless abyss of despair and self-pity. Satan, as he has done from the beginning, will whisper into the ear of every believer, “Did God actually say” (Gen. 3:1). What Wesley Cooper provides in this book is 30 truths of “Thus says the LORD” Christians must mediate on when trials come. If the world, the flesh, and the devil are twisting your mind on the purpose of your suffering, then this book will be a gentle guide through the darkness. These truths comforted me in my own dark night of the soul and I know of no other book that summarizes them the way Wesley does here. Every Christian should read this!
I’m excited and grateful for the release of this wonderful book. Wesley digs deep into the heart of suffering in the Christian life, only to point us to Christ, the one and only who can provide complete peace during our times of suffering and despair. Every Christian should use this as a tool to point them to the healing of God’s Word.
“The Fruit of Godly Suffering” is a gem that every Christian ought to read. It gently yet powerfully ministers the truth of God‘s Word to the heart, delivering with precision the salve that is needed not only to help us in our brokenness but also to spur us on to persevere through trials as we lean hard on the Everlasting Arms.