Daniel Chamberlin
Love and Its Fruits
Love and Its Fruits: Jonathan Edwards' Charity and Its Fruits, Summarized for the 21st Century
A Practical Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13
Daniel Chamberlin
5.5" x 8.5"
120 pages
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Jonathan Edwards' exposition of 1 Corinthians 13 stands as the best devotional work on that chapter of inspiration. This summary brings to the modern reader the penetrating pastoral insights of Edwards.
The value of Edwards’ treatise on the thirteenth chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians is multi-faceted. It expounds true religion in its most practical expression. It brings us to the heart of God. It examines our hearts. It presents a convincing argument for the cessation of the apostolic gifts that is much needed in our day.
The original was first published in 1852, nearly a hundred years after the death of its author. His great-grandson, Tryon Edwards, edited the treatise, and in 2007, Daniel Chamberlin was pleased to write this summary for Spanish translation purposes. His prayer is that English readers also will find it beneficial.
Author Bio

Daniel Chamberlin became pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in 1990, following three years as a missionary in Mexico. Authors who have shaped his thinking include C. H. Spurgeon and D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He relaxes occasionally with a backpack in the Arkansas mountains. He and his wife have three sons. He is also the author of A Portrait of God: Stephen Charnock’s Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God, Summarized for the 21st Century