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Joshua P. Howard

The Exorcism of Satan

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The Exorcism of Satan: The Binding of the Strong Man by Christ the King


"Howard has collected every significant mention of the wicked one in the text of Scripture and written a page or two of commentary on each reference. This makes up the bulk of the book, and it is fascinating."

— Caleb Nelson, book reviewer of accessible theology for WORLD

Read the rest of the review from WORLD.

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6" x 9"
264 pages


In The Exorcism of Satan: The Binding of the Strong Man by Christ the King, Joshua P. Howard contends that Satan has been exorcised in this age by the work of Christ in His first coming. He examines the theme of satanic exorcism in the New Testament while contributing to the doctrine of satanic defeat within a whole-Bible eschatological perspective. Though Christ is presently triumphant and victory has been decisively achieved, suffering and evil both exist in this age, as the final victory is yet to come. Howard proposes that Christ’s triumphant first coming achieved a satanic exorcism in this age that has produced cosmic eschatological consequences that directly affect believers’ experience in this age and the age to come.

New Studies in Theology

The New Studies in Theology (NST) series exists to enflesh sola Scriptura. In the monographs represented by this line, readers will explore various doctrines of Scripture from a hermeneutic that is both intellectually rigorous and intentionally doxological. This is not academic theology for its own sake. The NST aims to help pastors, theologians, and other students of the sacred Word know the deep things of God. The scholarship unveiled here is unapologetically extensive, but the overall goal of NST texts is to communicate a grand vision of God, his gospel, his kingdom, and his providential work in all creation.


“In The Exorcism of Satan, Josh Howard thoroughly and expertly handles the subject of the devil’s defeat by the King of Kings. In addition to discussing Satan’s final fate as revealed in the book of Revelation, he also shows readers why Christ’s resurrection signifies that the church already is victorious in the present age. I commend to you this important and uplifting volume.”

Matthew R. Akers, PhD
Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs & Director of the Hispanic Institute
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Memphis, TN


“Of making many books on eschatology there is no end, but this work adds a unique contribution to the field that does not weary the body. The Exorcism of Satan: The Binding of the Strong Man by Christ the King examines the overlooked theme of satanic defeat within the realm of eschatology and the ‘already/not-yet’ view championed by George Ladd. Joshua Howard carefully develops a robust canonical eschatology that is grounded in the biblical text and shows what assurance Christians may have today knowing that Satan has been bound by Christ the King. I warmly commend this work.” 

Jason P. Kees, PhD
Adjunct Instructor
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College
Kansas City, MO


“For too long, evangelical thinking and writing about Satan has either been well-nigh non-existent or limited to those apt to find a demon behind every bush. I'm thankful, therefore, for Josh's work, which uses careful exegesis to demonstrate a marvelously joyful truth: the Seed of the woman has indeed crushed the serpent's head, even as we wait with a sure hope for the Serpent's full and final destruction at the last day.”

Dr. Mitchell W. Kimbrell, PhD
Senior Pastor
Christ Memorial Church, Williston, Vermont


"Some books on spiritual warfare so focus on Satan that the enemy receives more attention than the Bible gives him. Others so emphasize the ongoing battle that the reader is almost defeated before he or she finishes reading the book. Still other books spend more time speculating on Satan than on teaching Scripture. This book avoids every one of these errors. It rightly situates the story of Satan in the context of God’s overall victory, both in this age and in the age to come. It properly emphasizes satanic defeat, recognizing that Satan has been defeated, is being defeated, and will be defeated. This work is thoroughly biblical, convincingly walking through the Scriptures to show the defeat of a foe who still wars against us. It will inform you, challenge you, caution you, encourage you, and strengthen you—all at the same time.”

Dr. Charles Edward Lawless, Jr., PhD
Professor of Evangelism and Missions & Dean of Doctoral Studies
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC


“The work of Satan in the present era and his influence in the lives of believers and unbelievers is a topic of perennial concern as well as apathy and neglect. Thankfully, Josh Howard offers the discerning reader a fascinating and challenging addition to this subject. His interpretation of inaugurated eschatology as an ‘exorcism’ of Satan offers a new lens through which to view the present age and the place of the evil one in it. I am delighted to see the publication of this helpful study and pray for its wide dissemination within the body of Christ.”

Dr. John Mahony, ThD
Professor of Theology (retired)
Nesbitt, MS


“Josh Howard addresses an important but often overlooked area of the study of the end times. Jesus has defeated Satan, and Scripture speaks of Satan as presently bound.  But what exactly does this mean? Dr. Howard carefully analyzes the biblical teaching about the exorcism of our defeated foe—what Satan can and cannot do until the Lord’s return. This is a thorough and compelling book that addresses and answers many of the questions students of eschatology have about this fascinating topic.”

Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, PhD
Author of A Case for Amillennialism and The Man of Sin
Visiting Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary, CA

Author Bio

Joshua Howard

Joshua P. Howard (PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the Pastor/Elder at Grace Community Church in Battle Creek, MI. Josh is also the author of The King's Mission and A Primer for Conflict, co-hosts a couple of theology podcasts, and writes periodically. Josh is happily married to his high school sweetheart Marci, with whom he has four children. 

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