Jeffrey D. Johnson
The Story of Redemption
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Perfect for Teen and College classes, small group studies, or Sunday School.
The Story of Redemption: The Rise, Fall, and Restoration of the Kingdom of God
Volume 2
5.5 x 8.5
144 Pages
Back by popular demand, The Kingdom of God: A Baptist Expression of Covenant and Biblical Theology has been revised and expanded into two separate but complimentary books: The Kingdom of God (Volume 1) and The Story of Redemption (Volume 2).
Revised and expanded for the benefit of teens and younger age groups.
How do the Old and New Testaments relate to each other? How do God’s covenants work together to form a unified message? It is easy to lose sight of the overarching message of Scripture when working through its various passages. We often forget that Scripture is the narrative of God’s divine interaction in human history that has an awful beginning and a glorious conclusion. From start to finish, the Bible points to a single hero. It shows us that God works through covenants, and all the Old and New Testament covenants work together to accomplish a single objective. The Story of Redemption is the most extraordinary story ever told. It is a story of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the story of the rise, fall, and restoration of the Kingdom of God through the efforts of a single man.
Honest. Heartbreaking. Beautiful. Thrilling. These words kept rolling through my mind while reading this book. This is not a syrupy history of the world. Rather Jeffrey Johnson shows the dark underbelly of sin and Satan’s rage against the seed of the woman. He deftly condenses and summarizes the flow of redemptive history in common language, explaining complex things so that even children can understand. This book will be edifying for the most mature saint and the babe in Christ at the same time. In reading it, you will learn the profound nuances of the law and gospel across the whole span of redemptive history. You will be heartbroken over the damage of sin. You will be terrified at the rage of Satan. You will see why we must turn to Christ. Read this book, and then read it to your children and grandchildren. Open their eyes to the backdrop of history and the grave danger they are in if they do not follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
— Scott T. Brown
Creeds and confessions crystallize the tenets of our faith into concise statements, but we ought not to forget that they have been distilled from an epic history. This book weaves our theology back into the annals of God’s redeeming work among his people. It’s all here: the covenants, the treason, the destruction, the mercy, the blood, and finally the hope. This is theology through storytelling and it answers the fundamental questions about the essence of the human condition. It recounts the narrative of God’s holiness and mercy, His faithfulness and fury, and the black and crabbed tree of the cross that brought the kingdom of God near to a rebel, yet beloved, people. Let this story sink in; it is our family history. To remember our history is to be compelled to bow down and worship and to pluck up our hearts to live as citizens of the kingdom of God.
— Ryan Bush
Author Bio

Jeffrey D. Johnson is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church and President of Grace Bible Theological Seminary in Conway, Arkansas, where he resides with his wife, Letha, and their four children. He is the author of several books, including The Church, He Died for Me, The Kingdom of God, The Absurdity of Unbelief, and The Sovereignty of God. Check out his other books here.