Free Grace Press
Giving Glory to the Consubstantial Trinity
Giving Glory to the Consubstantial Trinity: An Essay on the Quintessence of the Christian Faith
4.75" x 7"
126 pages
An article titled "To Devote Ourselves to the Blessed Trinity" by Michael A. G. Haykin
There is not a more important and practical doctrine than the Trinity. In our day, however, there are few doctrines that have been more overlooked. This book seeks to counteract this trend by offering a clear and concise biblical defense of the Trinity and its practical implications. This book demonstrates how the historical development of this doctrine in the Ante-Nicene and Nicene eras was undertaken not by philosophically-minded academics, but by pastor-theologians who grounded their thought first and foremost in the Scriptures and had a burning concern for the salvation of men and women.
“This wonderful little book opens up for modern readers some of the earliest Christians’ most important discussions about the mystery at the heart of Christian faith—the mystery of the one and three. Michael Haykin’s lucid survey of key moments in the formation of our catholic doctrine of the Trinity demonstrates an extraordinary capacity to link doctrine to service and worship. Readers will grow in their appreciation of outstanding believers who reflected upon and in the most difficult circumstances bore witness to God’s revelation of himself as three persons, one God, blessed forever.”
— Crawford Gribben
Professor of Early Modern British History, Queen’s University, Belfast
“Haykin, with his impeccable scholarship, has produced a short, readable account that will help many to appreciate these struggles and to grow in their knowledge of God. Buy it, read it, give it to a friend.”
— Robert Letham
Director of Research, Senior Tutor in Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology
“In a clear and learned way, Michael Haykin connects the Bible to Athanasius and the Cappadocians and does so in a way that demonstrates the importance of the fourth century credal conclusions to contemporary church life.”
— Carl R. Trueman
Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College, PA
“The story of the early development of the Christian doctrine of the One God who is Three is both fascinating and complicated. Michael Haykin’s Giving Glory to the Consubstantial Trinity provides a reliable overview of the key moments of this story. As one considers central biblical support that weighed heavily upon early Christians, one is prepared then to reflect more deeply upon the contributions of some of the most important figures who fought off heresy and advanced an increasingly clear picture of the doctrine of the Triune God that the church came to embrace and cherish. What a rich story this is, and one the reader will understand and appreciate much better because of Haykin’s masterful work.”
— Bruce A. Ware
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Author Bio

Michael A. G. Haykin serves as chair and professor of church history at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, located on the Southern campus. He also teaches in the core faculty of Heritage Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario, as professor of church history. Dr. Haykin has a BA in philosophy from the University of Toronto, a master of religion from Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto, and a ThD in church history from Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto.