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Thomas J. Nettles

Easier for a Camel: Andrew Fuller's View of Man's Absolute Dependence on Grace

$8.95 USD $12.00 USD

4.75" x 7" 
104 pages

Listen to Dr. Tom Nettles' Podcast The Doctrinal Component on Andrew Fuller.


“You will no doubt easily grasp the context of the title. After the rich young ruler walked away sadly (Mark 10:17-27), Jesus said, “How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!” When the disciples were amazed at this assertion of the Lord, he reiterated, but this time omitting the descriptor of “those who are wealthy,” and stated flatly, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!” When, at the end of this conversation the disciples asked, “Then who can be saved?” expanding their own query to include the generality of mankind, Jesus responded, “With people it is impossible, but with God; for all things are possible with God.” In the middle of the conversation, Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” This implied its impossibility from the standpoint of the most advantageous of human resources. If those who had the clearest evidence of common grace had no superior advantage to attain eternal life, who among all mankind could do this. None! More easily can a camel be threaded through a needle than can any person, on the basis of resident position or abilities gain eternal life; utterly dependent on divine power and blessing he is. Andrew Fuller experienced it, believed it, taught it, and engaged in an extended and vigorous defense of this plain teaching of our Lord. He knew a camel’s threading had greater possibilities than a depraved human’s willingness in spiritual matters.”

—Tom Nettles, from the Preface


"Here you will find out in brief compass what Andrew Fuller actually believed about God's sovereignty, human sinfulness, the extent of Christ's atonement, and the free offer of the gospel."

Shawn D. Wright

"Acclaimed as “the greatest theologian of the late 18thcentury transatlantic Baptist community,” he left an indelible mark upon his generation as one most eminently gifted by God, to enter theological controversy with an aptness, prudence, and pastoral skill which left the church on all sides seeing the Gospel with greater clarity."

Kurt M. Smith

"Few writing pastors in church history have better expressed the depths of their sin and the height of God's grace quite like Andrew Fuller, a towering figure on the landscape of our Baptist heritage."

Jeff Robinson


Author Bio

Tom Nettles has written biographies of Charles Spurgeon and James P. Boyce. Among his other books are By His Grace and for His Glory and Baptists and the Bible. He is retired but serves as a senior professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.