Free Grace Press
In Service to the Church: Essays in Honor of Dr. Robert Paul Martin
6" x 9"
534 Pages
Festschrift is a German word, meaning “a celebration writing,” and refers to a book written in honor of a person who has made a significant contribution to his field of study. The essays are written by friends, colleagues, and students. Most of the time such a volume is written while the honoree is alive, sometimes it is produced posthumously. Such a volume then is not only a celebration, but it is also a memorial. This book qualifies as both a celebration and a memorial to the life, ministry, and writings of Dr. Robert Paul Martin.
Shortly after “Dr. Bob” went home to be with the Lord, the Reformed Baptist Seminary had its annual board meeting. We discussed how to best honor this man who meant so much to so many. When one recounts what Dr. Bob meant to Trinity Ministerial Academy, Trinity Baptist Church, Montville, NJ, Emmanuel Baptist Church, SeaTac WA, Reformed Baptist Seminary, oversees training and missions, and the Reformed Baptist world in general, seeking to honor him seemed appropriate, “giving honor to whom honor is due.”
This book is the fruit of that board discussion. Although it took longer than we had hoped, we are thankful to God for its completion. Each essay touches on an area that was dear to Dr. Bob.
The book is composed of five parts, Pastoral Theology, Biblical and Systematic Theology, Memorial Essays, Annotated Bibliography and Reviews, and then Robert P. Martin’s writings, including his exegetical articles, and his articles on the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith.
B.B. Warfield said, "What we need in our pulpits is scholar-saints become preachers." Dr. Robert Paul Martin was a scholar-saint become preacher-pastor. “Dr. Bob," as he was affectionately called by his students, was a biblical scholar of the highest order, but he was also a godly churchman. Dr. Bob devoted his life to the Word of God and to the good of the church. He taught tirelessly at seminaries at home and abroad. He labored as a pastor at Trinity Baptist Church, Montville, NJ, and Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, SeaTac, WA. He was also a writer. His journal articles (included in this volume) and books have been a blessing to the church. Dr. Bob went home to be with the Lord on February 3, 2016. "Robert was obsessed with God himself. He was overwhelmed by his majesty, his beauty, his holiness, his grace. He sought his glory, he desired his presence, he modelled his life on God's attributes. Other Christians may say that evangelism or missions or revival or social reconstruction is their great concern, but Bob had only one concern: God Himself-to know him, to mirror him, to see him glorified." GEOFF THOMAS "I can say that one of the blessed fruits of the relationship Dr. Bob and I sustained to one another, is that I now understand more fully what Solomon meant when he wrote that 'The memory of the righteous is a blessing' (Proverbs 10:7)." ALBERT N. MARTIN "He was ... a Christian Gentleman of the fine Southern variety, combining in his temperament courtesy, kindness, firmness, loyalty, and gentleness." SAM WALDRON "I am thankful for Dr. Bob's labors and desire to honor his legacy with this contribution." RICHARD BARCELLOS
Edited by Brian Borgman

Brian Borgman is the founding pastor of Grace Community Church in Minden, NV. He has degrees from Biola University, Western Seminary (Portland), Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids) and Westminster Seminary (Escondido). He is a speaker and the author of several books, including Feelings and Faith: Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life (Crossway). Most importantly he is husband to Ariel, dad to Ashley, Zach and Alex, and grandpa to Calvin, Sean, and Elliott, Ellie Jay, and Maeve.