Free Grace Press
Anticipating God's Rest: Theology and Celebration of the Lord's Day
4.75" x 7"
132 pages
Though the word "Sabbath" often evokes a negative sentiment, the prospect of experiencing God’s rest in glory is the great anticipation of every Christian. This book is designed to help believers understand how the weekly Sabbath relates to this end by observing its character in the Mosaic covenant, how it changed under Christ, and its application in the new covenant. Far from the legalism of severe religionists, the Lord’s Day is every Christian's weekly celebration of joy and gladness in the presence of the resurrected Christ himself!
“This is the best and most balanced treatment of the Lord’s Day I have read. Michael Seewald holds up the Lord’s Day as something to take delight in—something lovely and beautiful. Most importantly, Michael stirs up the reader’s affection, appreciation, and thankfulness for the rest we have in Christ. His balanced exposition of the Lord’s Day will cause those who love Christ to not only look forward to Sunday worship, but also to the great Day of the Lord when we will forever rest from our labors.”
—Jeffrey D. Johnson, Pastor of Grace Bible Church and Academic Dean of Grace Bible Theological Seminary, Author of The Absurdity of Unbelief, The Fatal Flaw, What Every Christian Needs to Know about Social Justice, and many others
“The question of the abiding validity of a weekly Sabbath for the Christian has been a hotly debated subject. Sadly, many Christians assume that the fourth commandment no longer applies in terms of any specific day of the week for its outward observance. Michael Seewald argues otherwise and his contribution is very helpful, gracious, succinct, popular, and balanced. It is thorough enough to be convincing without being overly academic or too lengthy for the ordinary Christian. This is, perhaps, its greatest strength and usefulness. This is a great book to give to those who are confused or uncertain and it will also strengthen the conviction of those who already call the Lord's Day a delight. This book will help you to understand the important distinction between the Sabbath as administered by the Old Covenant with its positive law Mosaic attachments and the Sabbath as natural law and thus included in the Decalogue and as also a creation ordinance and an eschatological symbol of our final rest. It will also help you to understand the basis for observing the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, as the New Covenant application of the fourth commandment.”
—Jeffery Smith
Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Coconut Creek, Fl, Author of The Rich Man and Lazarus and Preaching for Conversions
Author Bio

Michael Seewald serves as an elder at Grace Bible Church in Conway, Arkansas. He and his wife, Guinn, reside in nearby Little Rock with five of their seven children.