Allen Nelson IV
Before the Throne
Before the Throne: Reflections on God's Holiness
5.75 x 8.75"
Read a review of Before the Throne at Founders Ministries HERE.
Watch this interview with Allen Nelson on G220 Radio HERE.
Watch Allen Nelson on Echo Zoe Radio on the Holiness of God HERE.
Listen to this sermon on the Holiness of God by Allen Nelson HERE.
Buy All 3 of Allen Nelson's Books and Save:
R.C. Sproul, A.W. Tozer, and Stephen Charnock, now all with the Lord, are among faithful men who penned classic works on God’s holiness. Others throughout church history, like Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Jonathan Edwards, preached powerfully on the glory and majesty of our great and holy God. In Before the Throne: Reflections on God’s Holiness, Pastor Allen Nelson presents to us the timeless truths of the holiness of God from a 21st-century perspective in an attempt to warm modern readers’ hearts toward the awesomeness of the triune God. Standing on the shoulders of a long line of faithful men, and fastened securely upon Holy Writ, Nelson helps us explore the immensity of God’s holiness and how it affects absolutely everything about us. Prepare to worship.
The conclusion of each chapter contains a set of questions and Scripture references to be used for group study or in family worship.
“Before the Throne: Reflections on God’s Holiness based on Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4 shows the unity of Scripture on the theme of the holiness of God. Allen Nelson’s text is attractive and engaging without being shallow or trivial. The theme is weighty and treated with great care and dignity, even with a sense of awe and as a provocation to worship. In each chapter, the relevance of God’s holiness to our humanity as image-bearers is shown by examples of ways in which we act and think every day of our lives. The pervasive importance of divine holiness to every truth of Scripture constantly runs throughout the text—inspiration of Scripture, human sin, God as a Trinitarian being, divine sovereignty in election, the justness of punishment and the grace of redemption, the mystery of providence, substitutionary atonement, corporate worship, preaching, and other themes come up for discussion as vitally related to holiness. The reader will find that every minute spent in reading this book gives him an edifying perspective on eternity as God invades our present and as he fits us for a future with him.”
—Tom J. Nettles
Louisville, KY
"Bro. Allen takes a seemingly unfathomable topic, holiness, and makes it accessible to us all. Especially helpful are the discussion questions at the end of each chapter. These questions give the book the added dimension of being a resource for family worship."
—Charley Holmes
President of BMA Seminary, Jacksonville, TX
"There is no loftier or greater subject with which an individual can dedicate their mind and heart than the holiness of God. To immerse yourself in God’s consummate perfection and glory, to meditate on His infinite perfection and infinite power is to join our voices with the heavenly hosts crying, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy.’ Allen Nelson takes us before God's heavenly throne and invites us to reflect and cherish God's holiness in a fresh way that will inevitably transform your life and understanding of our holy God."
—Dustin W. Benge
PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“How we live our lives is a direct reflection of what we really believe about God. Allen Nelson has written a practical guide which enables the reader to think about God as He really is, but in bitesize, digestible chunks. By focusing on what the scripture teaches about God's holiness from different perspectives, Allen methodically creates a big picture of God which ought to provoke any reader to worship God more rightly and live a life more aligned with God's will.”
—Michael Coughlin
Gospel Preacher and Writer for ThingsAbove.Us
“Allen Nelson’s Before the Throne is a labor of love that should be read and digested by Christians everywhere. The result will be hearts and minds which are consumed with knowing and worshiping the LORD, who is holy, holy, holy. May worshipers find themselves before the throne in the proper posture of humility, with hearts of contrition, and trembling at His Word (Isa. 66:2).”
—Dr. David Steele
Senior pastor at Christ Fellowship, Everson, Washington
Author of Bold Reformer: Celebrating the Gospel-Centered Convictions of Martin Luther
“I like this book and the direction it takes us. Who can get a complete view of God so that he can sit back and say, “Now I see it all?” Pastor-theologian Allen Nelson opens a door to that pursuit by ably and interestingly placing the holiness of God on display, arguably the most arresting of God’s qualities. He helps us to a feast of God’s greatness.”
—Jim Elliff
Christian Communicators Worldwide
“Pastor Allen Nelson has written a work that through meditation on Scripture brings the majestic and glorious topic of God's holiness to a place of wonder and accessibility so that readers can taste and glimpse the holiness of God and be enticed to further study, reflection and worship.”
—Eddie Ragsdale
Pastor, First Baptist Church
Marshall, AR
“A wise older saint told me that if I wanted to be a preacher of God's Word, it was a must to spend time reading, studying and meditating on the perfections of God. Our brother Allen Nelson IV has done us all a vast service in helping us think more deeply about the holiness of our God. It is my prayer this book will do for you what it did for me - reorient our hearts in profound worship and praise to our thrice-holy God.”
—Kofi Adu-Boahen
Church Planter, Redeemer Bible Fellowship of the Valley
Central Point, OR
Author Bio