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Jeremy Walker

On the Side of God: The Life and Labors of Andrew Fuller

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On the Side of God: The Life and Labors of Andrew Fuller

4.5" x 7"
118 pages

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Read this blog post by Jeremy Walker, "Advancing Christ's Kingdom Together"


"Andrew Fuller’s was a life consecrated to the service of Christ, the good of the church, and the extension of the kingdom of God. Though he did not always enjoy the sweetest frames of mind and heart, his character was marked by eminent godliness. Considered by William Wilberforce to be ‘the very image of a blacksmith’. Fuller had no formal theological training, yet through faithful perusal of Scripture he came to be—and was appreciated as—a theological giant. Perhaps it was this that gave him his remarkable capacity for independent thought and his utter commitment to truth. As we have seen, he was able to say with sincerity, ‘I do not believe everything that Calvin taught, nor anything because he taught it; but I reckon strict Calvinism to be my own’.”


 — from Chapter 6, A Life in Review


"Charles Spurgeon, who wrote in this way to our subject’s son, who was the editor of his works and author of a sketch of his life and career: I have long considered your father to be the greatest theologian of the century, and I do not know that your pages have made me think more highly of him as a divine than I had thought before. But I now see him within doors far more accurately, and see about the Christian man a soft radiance of tender love which had never been revealed to me either by former biographies or by his writings. You have added moss to the rose, and removed some of the thorns in the process. "


 — from Chapter 1, Childhood and Conversion



Many modern pastors suffer from two tragic deficiencies: a lack of a biblical paradigm for pastoral ministry and the absence of the unique wisdom that comes from faithful pastoral mentors outside our present generation. You hold in your hands the remedy for them both. Jeremy Walker in his book On the Side of God brings to life the noteworthy character and ministry of the eighteenth-century English Baptist, Andrew Fuller. As one of the most credible modern voices on Fuller, Walker writes with a clarity and precision that reminds us of why Andrew Fuller continues to be one of the most important voices for pastors in any generation. Pastors, read this book! You will be freshly challenged and inspired by the faithfulness of this man and his ministry. 

— Brian Croft
  Senior Pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church


In this brief work on the life of Andrew Fuller, Jeremy Walker has once again placed a great deal of treasure in a very small box. I cannot decide whether to call this book a biography, a devotional, or an instructional manual on practical ministry. It fits all three categories without a fault. I recommend this work to all without reservation and with the greatest expectation of benefit. It will place the aspiring minister on the right track and remind the seasoned minister of the true character and duty of a faithful steward of Christ. 

— Paul David Washer
  Founder, HeartCry Missionary Society

Fuller was essentially a man of the people pastoring a growing congregation in a market town in the English Midlands. He was not one of the famous preachers of the eighteenth century, but his faithful ministry deserves to be more widely known and understood. He has been misrepresented by some who seem never to have read his writings, while others who have admired his work, have completely failed to understand the strength of his Calvinism. Here we have an excellent introduction to Fuller’s life and work. This is more than a biographical record; Walker has dug deeply into Fuller’s pastoral writings and it becomes evident that Fuller has ministered to his own soul and strengthened his desires to be a faithful servant to Jesus Christ. Andrew Fuller may at first appear an austere character, but the reader soon discovers his heart of gold and deep love for Christ and his gospel. This is a challenging book; I warmly recommend it.  

— Robert W. Oliver

Pastor, Old Baptist Church in Bradford-on-Avon



Author Bio

Jeremy Walker is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church since 2003 in Crawley, England. He is married to Alissa, with whom he enjoys the blessing of three children. He has authored several blogs at Reformation21 and The Wanderer and he has authored several books including The Brokenhearted Evangelist, and The New Calvinism Considered: A Personal and Pastoral Assessment.