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Jennifer Adams

The Gospel Made Clear to Children (PB)

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* Printed in full color on high quality paper.

8.5" x 5.5"
176 pages

Also available as a giftable hardcover.

Order the companion study guide.

A review by Jonathan Murdock.

A review by Korrie Johnson of GoodBookMom.


Beautifully illustrated with short chapters, The Gospel Made Clear to Children details the person and work of Christ. It begins with the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man, and the penalty for sin. It considers the love of God in eternity past and the provision God has made in sending His Son. It traces the incarnation, birth, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ, with a special focus on His crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and exaltation. It culminates with a call to repent and believe, ending with the evidence of true conversion. Written from a heart full of love, this book calls children to turn from their sins and trust in Christ.

The Gospel Made Clear to Children is written for parents to read aloud to younger children (elementary) and for older children (youth) to work through independently. It is designed to be a discipleship tool to help parents impart to their children the wisdom that leads to salvation (2 Tim. 3:15). Corresponding study questions for reflection and application can be found in the companion guide.


The highest recommendation I can give to this wonderful book is that I will be reading it over and over again to my children. It is rich in biblical doctrine and is an invaluable instrument to aid parents in teaching their children the glorious truths of “God in Christ,” reconciling the world to Himself. I know of no other book that so clearly communicates the great doctrines of the gospel to children. I look forward to hearing of the harvest that it will reap in the years to come.

– Paul Washer,
Author, Director of HeartCry Missionary Society

Jennifer Adams has a present for your child, a gift of biblical truth, wrapped in love. Three features make this book especially valuable. First, it teaches children gospel truths about God, sin, Christ, and the gospel call in short and simple chapters. Second, each point is carefully referenced to Scripture. Third, a valuable Bible study for your child to look up and write out the same truths found in each chapter is available. This is an excellent tool that God can use to bring your children to Jesus Christ to find salvation in Him alone.

– Dr. Joel R. Beeke,
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary,
Grand Rapids, Michigan



JENNIFER ADAMS is wife to Scott and mother to four lovely daughters. She has a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary with a concentration in New Testament Greek and lives with her family near the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

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