Jeffrey D. Johnson
The Life of God in the Soul of Man
Revised and Modernized by Jeffrey D. Johnson
4.75" x 7"
128 pages
“I never knew what true religion was till God sent me this excellent treatise.”
—George Whitefield
“There are books that never grow old, and this precious little volume, by Henry Scougal, is to be numbered among them. In it is an eternal freshness and beauty as its bloom actually brightens with the advancing of time. These words, for two centuries, have been bread of life to thousands. They have guided, comforted, and inspired; from that fact, they possess additional interest, for they have stood the severest test, and been found adequate to meet the deepest wants of human nature in its most trying needs.”
—The Preface of the 1867 edition
“Few books have been as useful as Scougal’s classic to awaken people from external religion to seek a living, loving, lasting relationship with God through Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, this is a reviving book, and may God use this modernized edition to revive many people in our needy day.”
—Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“With this new and revised edition, my prayer is that The Life of God In the Soul of Man will become a book that is found in the hands of every person. More importantly, my prayer is that Christ will be found in the soul of everyone who reads this book.”
—Jeffrey D. Johnson, Author of The Pursuit of Glory